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Why you’ll learn in data structures and algorithms?
Many a times Computer Science graduates devalue the importance of learning data structures and algorithms considering it as complicated, irrelevant or a waste of time.
However, they soon get a reality check when they enter the real-word for job hunting. Big companies like Amazon, Google or Microsoft often ask questions related to algorithms and data structures to check the problem-solving abilities of the candidates. The data structure is a key component of Computer Science and is largely used in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, operating systems, graphics, etc. Algorithm refers to a set of steps used in completing a certain task or to get a desired output. It is like building blocks for programming that allows smartphones, computers or websites to function smoothly and make decisions. Each code written by a programmer is a collective formation of algorithms navigating what to do. Algorithms are well-defined procedures that help computers to solve problems.
How these two are related?
- This algorithm helps in finding an item in a data structure.
- To insert an item in a data structure, this algorithm is applicable.
- This algorithm is helps to sort items in a specific order.
- The update algorithm is useful for updating an existing item in a data structure.
- In order to delete an existing item from a data structure, you can use the delete algorithm.
Who can learn Data structure course?
Ideally all Computer Science students must learn data structures and algorithms during the course of their graduation, but universities usually overlook these topics. So, the only source of learning these concepts is by enrolling in a If you want to improve your algorithms and data structures knowledge, you are on the right platform. We teach all the major topics of Data Structures and Algorithms.
What you will learn in this course?
Learn Data Structures, Abstract Data Types and their implementation in Python
Implementation of Searching Algorithms in Python
Implementation of Stacks, Queues, Linked List, Binary Trees, Heaps and Graphs in Python
Implementation of Binary Tree Traversal Techniques in Python
Graph traversals techniques Depth First Search and Breadth-First Search in Python
Implementation of Sorting Algorithms in Python
Enhance Analytical Skill and efficiently use searching and sorting algorithms in real applications
Our other courses for related to programming and data analysis & Database are
My SQL Programming
Data Analysis with Python
OOP, Regular Expression & Database
Python Programming
Top 6 Data Structures any programmer must know
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Siddharth Parakh
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